C - Cheesecake Factory
The Cheesecake Factory is my FAVORITE restaurant. I like all the choices they have on their huge menu and all the food is really great. I also LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the cheesecake of course !
V - Vacations : )
V was a hard letter to find something for, but I finally found it! Vacations, the perfect v word. Spring Break, Summer Break, and etc.... I love all the free time, sleeping late, and
N - Nail Polish
I love brightly colored nail polish! I like to paint my nails in bright colors and normally have two different colors on. My kids really appreciate all the color and comment on it how much they like the colors.
So go link up and Let's Get Acquainted : )
I've always heard great things about the Cheesecake Factory, but I haven't been yet. One of these I will have to (cheesecake is one of my favorite desserts!)
Teaching In Oz
I love Cheesecake Factory! The food and cheesecake are great with GREAT portions! haha. Also, I can't wait for the weather to be warm again to show off my toe nail polish! I'm your newest follower, btw!
Cheers To School